All Classes Start at 9:30 AM - MDT (Denver, CO)
Ascended Master Djwhal Khul is one of the Great Masters of Wisdom and Compassion. In order to prepare spiritual aspirants throughout the world for the coming planetary initiation, Master Djwhal Khul undertook a three-part series of teachings starting with the work of Madam Blavatsky from 1875-1890. Her book, The Secret Doctrine, revolutionized spiritual thought of the day
The second phase of preparation was undertaken during a thirty-year commitment (1919-1949) through Alice Bailey who faithfully transmitted His teachings by founding the Arcane School and publishing many seminal books which are still in print today. In this work Master gave detailed information for the foundation of what He termed “The New Age.”
Through Alice, Master, Himself, predicted a third phase of more advanced teaching which would begin after 1975 and continue into the 21st Century via modern media expanding His teachings to every corner of the world. Although He indicated that not all the plans had yet been finalized, He did say that the more advanced teachings would at first attract only a small group and not appear to have much impact on the world. RMES is the long awaited school of Master DK, which is established through Kathlyn Kingdon (the founder of the Vajra Flame Foundation, Ltd. and Rocky Mountain Esoteric School).
Because of the profound importance of this time, Master has said that He is once again calling forth many of His students. To have access to such a Great Being is a profound privilege, and yet it is available now to all who truly desire to be of service for the coming planetary enlightenment.
Master invites those who started Tantra For a New Age to re-engage with their spiritual family and join us for this new offering. The new course is slated to begin on October 15th, 2023 and meet every third week. It will run through the end of the year, concluding on January 7th, 2024. The course lasts 13 weeks and includes weekly pod meetings.
All live Zoom classes will start at 9:00 AM MT (Denver) - The 5 live classes Dates & Titles are:
This course will center on a tantric meditation designed to purify body, mind, and energy field, as well as stimulate the realization of higher mind, clarify the chakras, and bring the practitioner into full alignment with the Teacher’s truth body. The meditation will be taught in stages, and each specific layer of focus can be learned and practiced on its own. In that way, participants will learn to layer the different aspects upon the breath work, which is the foundation of this practice. Each layer engages a specific part of the practice, and will be added sequentially.
The "Tantra for a New Age" course starts on Sunday, April 02, 2023 and lasts 8 weeks. The course includes
6-Step Meditations are:
Accompanied by a lively community you will attend 6 Live Classes (inclusive 2 Bonus Teachings) and 2 Q&A sessions with Master Djwhal Khul and Kathlyn Kingdon from October 17, 2021 to December 19, 2021. In addition, 8 audio meditations will be offered for raising the frequency of the energy body by connecting the chakras to the cosmos. For 12 months you can access and download all course materials (MP3, Transcripts, ...) via mobile and laptop applications.
Course Sessions:
Accompanied by a lively community you will attend 6 lectures and 2 Q&A sessions with Master Djwhal Khul and Kathlyn Kingdon from September 5, 2020 to November 28, 2020. In addition, two audio meditations will be offered. For 12 months you can access and download all course materials (MP3, Transcripts, ...) via mobile and laptop applications.
Course Sessions:
This course will be offered in three weeks and has the following online classes. Each enrolled student will also receive an mp3 recording of the call on the next business day following the live online class.
This course will be offered in seven weeks and has following online classes. Each enrolled student will receive also an mp3 recording of the call on the next business day following the live online class.
This course has four classes:
This course will be offered in eleven weeks and has following classes:
This course is based on the course contents of "Recreating the Energy Body I". It will be offered in ten weeks and has following classes:
Rocky Mountain Esoteric School's New On-Line Course by Master DK,
Registration Fee $349.00
Click Here to Register
Registration includes:
Registration is processed through the secure Vajra Frame website payment portal
Dates announced for Master DK's next on-line course.
2021 Class Dates, Lecture Names, Bonus Teachings Titles & Release Dates:
Stay tuned for more information and registration instructions.