Master's Prayer to the Divine Mother

Divine Mother
You, who set the very Universe into manifestation,
allow me to now enter Your vast heart of creation.
May I be clothed in wondrous beauty,
just as You have clothed Your beloved Earth.
May I be enfolded in Your brilliance,
as are Your precious stars.
May I come to know Your radiant presence,
which is reflected in all of creation.
May the luminous emanations of Your
pristine consciousness and exquisite love
shine through me.
May I enter the field of blessing You so wondrously instilled, and
May I support and nurture all Your beloved Offspring,
now and forever.
So be it!

Prayer to the Divine Mother
Master Djwhal Khul

20 April, 2014

This Prayer is shared on the Rocky Mountain Esoteric School website with permission granted by Kathlyn Kingdon, © Creative Directions, 2014, All Rights Reserved

Posledná zmena: utorok, 6 mája 2014, 06:07